The Memorial to the Enslaved and Freed - McDonogh School-十大最佳博彩网站排名

The Memorial to Those Enslaved and Freed


为纪念约翰·麦克唐纳(John McDonogh)被奴役的人们而建造一座纪念碑的计划已经进行了近20年. 这段旅程始于一群充满激情的教师的工作,他们认为记住这些人很重要, 女性, 孩子们的劳动为约翰·麦克唐纳带来了财富——正是这些财富促成了麦克唐纳学校的建立.

T在这里 has been a lot of thoughtful planning to ensure that the memorial, designed by retired Art Department Chair Oletha迪瓦恩, 是麦当劳社区成员现在和将来回忆和反思的地方吗, 学习和提问, and gain a deeper understanding of this complex period of history.

The Memorial to Those Enslaved and Freed was dedicated during a 特别的仪式 attended by faculty, staff, and students on April 19, 2022. 



Oletha迪瓦恩, 艺术教育专家, was a faculty member at McDonogh School for 27 years before retiring in 2020. In addition to her work with students, she served as the 上学校 Visual Art Department Chair and Director of 塔特尔画廊. 专业艺术家, her work has been shown in numerous solo and group exhibitions throughout the world, 她还受几家机构的委托创作原创艺术品,包括雷金纳德F. Lewis Museum of Maryland African-American History & Culture and the DC Homewood Museum at Johns Hopkins University. She has exhibited at The Meyerhoff Gallery at MICA, 华盛顿的科科伦美术馆, and the Baltimore Museum of Art (BMA), w在这里 she had a solo exhibition of her spirit sculptures, one of which was recently purchased and placed in the museum's permanent collection. 

DeVane’s community engagement includes service on several boards, 包括马里兰艺术广场, 广角媒体, 以及建设海地基金会. She is the recipient of the 2017 Ruby Foundation Grant, the 2021 Anonymous Was a Woman Award, 以及纽约的艺术事务奖学金,以表彰她在社区社会变革方面的工作. 

2020年6月, DeVane was commissioned to design and fabricate The Memorial to Those Enslaved and Freed. 她最近还接受了巴尔的摩市政艺术协会的委托,为新装修的列克星敦市场(Lexington Market)创作一件户外雕塑.


The memorial is an outdoor garden space, 椭圆形, defined by a low brick wall on which people are welcome to sit and reflect. 它的设计是为了方便麦当劳的PK到12年级的人口,并提供了一个机会,让人们有真正的对话和了解这段历史. 

Positioned in the center of the garden is a multi-layered sculpture called Ascend. It is approximately 14-feet tall and was forged out of both polished and matte steel by A.R.T. Research Enterprises, an art casting and art fabrication company in Lancaster, PA. 它不仅是空间中的一个单一元素,而且也是环境的一部分. It is designed to encompass the colors in the garden and landscaping and reflect it back.

  • 基座:雕塑将被竖立在一个基座上,这个基座类似于新奥尔良奴隶市场拍卖中被奴役的人站立的平台.
  • Sugar cane stalks: John McDonogh owned sugar and cotton plantations in Louisiana, and harvesting the sugar cane was brutal work. 之所以选择麦秆而不是棉花,是因为麦秆的向上运动和叶子的抒情. 
  • 甜桉树:甜桉树在被奴役的社区中有着悠久的历史——它不仅代表着自由的障碍,而且还被用于药用. Similar to her spirit sculptures, DeVane incorporated beads in the trunk and the branches. When the tree was cast in steel, it picked up the imprint of the beads. The leaves for the sweetgum tree are from a tree on McDonogh’s campus; DeVane made models of five or six leaves for casting which have been welded to the branches.
  • 侧面肖像:靠近雕塑顶部的一男一女侧面代表被奴役的人. 它们是侧面的,主要是因为在19世纪早期,没有很多被奴役的黑人的肖像, and the black paper cutouts were a form of portraiture used at that time. 每个侧面的一面是光滑的,另一面是三维的,使人物栩栩如生. 代表有: 
  • 大卫·K. McDonogh, who John McDonogh sent to be educated at Lafayette College. 他拒绝被派往利比里亚,最终在纽约哥伦比亚大学跟随一名医生学习眼科. He was the first Black ophthalmologist in the United States. After his death, friends established the 大卫·K. McDonogh Memorial Hospital in Harlem.  
  • 南希·麦克唐纳在约翰·麦克唐纳的文件中被列为教人们如何阅读的老师. She educated the children on the plantation and later in Liberia.

Water is used as an element of transcendence and sacred reflections. 水指的是路易斯安那州的水道和跨大西洋奴隶贸易,从那里出现了来自四大洲的自由和被奴役的人. 

花园内的墙壁上,流水倾泻而下,镌刻着约翰·麦克唐纳三个种植园里95名奴隶的名字——阿拉德, McDonoghville, 和圣. 宝石——在他死的时候. 其他118人的名字是由麦克唐纳释放到利比里亚的美国殖民协会殖民地的人. They sailed aboard the Mariposa in 1842 and the Rebecca in 1859.

除了一棵甜桉树, 该地区将种植一种类似靛蓝的彩色紫色植物,靛蓝是一种来自西非的作物,用于染料,也种植在南方. 

道路上的玻璃集料反射光线,是对天空和水的参考. The sculpture features some polished steel to reflect the landscape and the pathway. 


Understanding History and the Memorial to the Enslaved and Freed

In preparation for the dedication of The Memorial to Those Enslaved and Freed, 所有三个部门的学生都参与了一系列精心设计的课程,旨在让他们对纪念碑及其周围的历史有一个适当的理解. 通过讨论, 实践活动, 和反射, students and teachers are investigating the following themes:

  • 第一课代表身份: analysis 和反射 on why and how symbols, 波峰, and other imagery represent the identities of groups and individuals.
  • Lesson 2 How We Choose To Remember: 这本书探讨了麦当劳——以及任何团体或机构——如何找到纪念人们的方法,以及为什么纪念很重要.
  • Lesson 3 Acknowledging Enslaved People’s History: 约翰·麦克唐纳的历史,他的生活,以及他的奴隶的生活.
  • Lesson 4 Engaging with the Enslaved People’s Memorial: a study of the Memorial with insights from artist Oletha迪瓦恩.

今年3月,整个麦当劳社区都被邀请在一次活动中了解更多十大最佳博彩网站排名纪念碑的信息 讨论 with artist Oletha迪瓦恩 and art historians/consultants Dr. 莱斯利·金·哈蒙德博士. 洛厄里·斯托克斯·西姆斯. The event was part of McDonogh声音: One School. 许多观点-一个多年的系列学习和讨论的机会,旨在让我们的过去的故事在麦当劳的现在和未来有更大的发言权. 

被奴役和被解放者纪念碑将继续成为麦克唐纳社区纪念和反思的地方, 学习和提问, and gain a deeper understanding of this complex period of history.


Robin 汉密尔顿 ‘91, an Emmy Award-winning journalist, 导演, 他是一部纪录片的制片人,这部纪录片是十大最佳博彩网站排名为纪念约翰·麦克唐纳被奴役的人民而建造的纪念碑. 该纪录片在2022年团聚周末纪念仪式之后首映. 

观看纪录片 在这里

汉密尔顿, who learned to think critically at McDonogh, says she discovered her love for journalism at Duke University. 她认为她的英语教授帮助她成为一个更强大的作家和讲故事的人,并把她放在新闻的道路上. 她获得了两个硕士学位, 一个毕业于纽约大学,主修广播新闻学,另一个毕业于哈佛大学约翰. Kennedy School of Government with a focus on public policy and media.

She began her journalism career as a television news reporter. After several years of covering crime and weather, she began to produce feature stories for Black History Month. In 2012, 汉密尔顿 founded her own company, ARound Robin Production Company. Working at the intersection of media and policy, 她说,她的工作遵循的原则是提供能够促进变革的信息.


Design, Fabrication, and Construction

设计: Oletha迪瓦恩
斑块图纸: 克里斯托弗Kojzar
铸造与制造: A.R.T. Research Enterprises, Lancaster, PA. 
总承包商: Lothorian池
景观设计: 布莱恩·斯蒂芬森


"This memorial offers countless opportunities for reflection and learning. 在几周内, 个月, 未来几年, 我希望我们学校社区的每个人都能在这里花时间,记住那些为我们每个人铺平道路的人,他们的强迫劳动为我们每个人在世界上做出了积极的改变.”

